Czech Food Technology Platform (CFTP), established in 2006, brings together industrial enterprises, sectoral organizations, primary producers, research institutions, consumer organisations and public administration authorities to create
common visions, especially for research, in the food sector.
From the outset, the CFTP has been based on the activities and objectives of European Technology Platform FOOD FOR LIFE, of which the Federation of the Food and Drink Industries (FFDI) is a founding member and which include:
- To support a sustainable, successful and competitive Czech agri-food industry;
- To provide wider employment and business opportunities for the Czech Republic and the whole Europe;
- Ensuring that healthy choices become easy choices for consumers;
- Provide support for regulation and promote policy making at national and regional level;
- Contribute to sustainable development at home and Europe;
- Expand the ability of the Czech and European agri-food industry to create and exploit market segments that are less vulnerable to price competition;
- Promote a farm-to-fork approach adding value along the food chain.
For the time being, the role of the Platform Secretariat is performed by the Secretariat of the FFDI, responsible for in addition to administration and communication, also for financial matters. Essential documents such as work plans, budgets, committee and working group management and the approval of management are discussed and approved by the authorities, in addition to the Platform, also by the bodies of the FFDI
Contacts to the Secretariat:
Počernická 96/272, 108 03 Praha 10 - Malešice
Phone: +420 296 411 187